Welcome to the Artist.Computer Manual. Here you will find all the information you need to get started. This manual is a work in progress and will be updated as new features are added.
The first thing to do before you do anything with Artist.Computer is to make some artwork. Once you have done that part, the rest of the things you need to do are relatively simple.
Make a Site. When you log in to your account, you'll find . . . not much. Unless you've already been invited to join someone's site, we'll walk you through creating your first site. Artist.Computer Sites are websites where you can showcase artwork. You could make one Site for all your work, or you could make a Site for a specific project, or for a one-off series of work. One imagines that one could make a Site for one piece of artwork, but you would have to really like that piece of work enough for the Site to really be worthwhile.
Your Domain. When you first add your Site, you'll give it a subdomain, which will compose the URL for your Site, like https://subdomain.artist.computer. You can add your custom domain later (with a paid account).
Once you have a Site, you can start adding content to it. Of primary interest:
Artworks and Projects. Somewhat self explainatorially, Artworks are for pieces of artwork, and Projects are for collections of Artwork. Each Project will have its own page on your Site where related artwork will be shown in the style of your choosing, as determined on the Project Settings screen.
Customizing Your Theme
Setting Up Your Homepage